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First Lutheran exists to

in the midst of a hectic world

bring people together

for fellowship and rest. 

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The church is for all ages. Whether you are looking for a community for yourself, or a safe and nurturing childcare environment for your child, we can be a place of calm and rest in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the Bay Area. 


At First Lutheran Church and Preschool, we are all about living in a rhythm of gathering, connecting, resting, and reflecting. We know the world can be hectic, divided, and lonely, but Jesus is our refuge and home. We seek to be a place and a people that, like Jesus, is a refuge from the struggles of the world. 


Our prayer is that you’ll check us out and experience God’s love as we Gather. Connect. Rest. Reflect.



At First Lutheran Church and Preschool, we are Scripturally Rooted and value Hospitality, Fellowship, Nurturing Children, and Calm Adaptation.

Scripturally Rooted

We encounter God through His Word and it guides our lives.


We strive to welcome people as they are and serve them faithfully.


We believe connection and community are important for the well-being of all people.

Nurturing Children

We believe children are a blessing and thrive in a supportive and caring environment.

Calm Adaptation

We remain flexible in a restless world safe in God’s care.


About Pastor Andy

Pastor Andy has served as the pastor at First Lutheran Church and Preschool since 2018. After growing up on a farm in Minnesota, he went on to span 3 continents in a variety of ministry roles, doing everything from campus ministry, international mission work, and serving as parish pastor, to teaching as a professor of preaching at Concordia Seminary in Saint Louis.


Before coming to First Lutheran, he did not realize how important the simple act of being present can be for people in crisis. He feels honored to walk with people through whatever joys or challenges they are facing and stand beside them as they take their next steps with Jesus.


You’ll often hear Pastor Andy talking about the importance of curiosity and spiritual formation in the midst of a hectic world. Curiosity is at the foundation of his love for authors like Anne Lamott and C.S. Lewis, and for discovering beautiful places like Yosemite National Park and Muir Woods. When he’s not serving at the church, you might find him writing at a coffee shop or on the trails of Mount Diablo State Park with his wife, Stephanie. 

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